On Splenda
This stuff can turn cat piss into the nectar of the GODS. (I haven't had cat piss, but I've had most of Starbucks' beans, and aside from Verona and perhaps Sumatra, most of them bear a remarkable resemblance to what I would imagine cat piss would taste like.) Anyway, I just bought a 400 count box of the stuff at Ralph's for 15 bucks. Couldn't even wait to hit up Costco for it. Oh well.
Incidentally, why the hell do people at the grocery store who are carrying baskets instead of pushing carts go up to the checkout line and drop the basket on the floor in front of the line with the handle bars criss-crossed over one another so that I have to bend over and risk substantial injury by uncrossing those bars so that I can then place MY basket neatly inside the other one? Why the hell do you need to make it harder for other people/store workers? Bastadges.
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