Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hillary '08 disaster talk

Joe Klein, author of Primary Colors, thinks a Hillary run in '08 would be a disaster (not because he doesn't like her). He notes that:
What's more, I suspect there would be innate and appropriate populist resistance to this slouch toward monarchial democracy. There is something fundamentally un-American—and very European—about the Clintons and the Bushes trading the office every eight years, with stale, familiar corps of retainers, supporters and enemies.

I love how many liberals seem to think that if the nation DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTS whomever the hell it wants to, if those folks happen to be related to someone else who was once related, it's becoming a monarchy. Because the American people are too fucking stupid to vote for themselves, so we should let jackasses like Joe Klein dictate our nation's leadership for us. I guess that goes in line with the general liberal agenda that the people are too damn stupid to do anything at all, so we should just have the government do it for them. That pisses me off more than the people who violate the 20 minute rule at the gym.


At 5/11/2005 11:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only are our people too damn stupid to do anything at all, but so too is our government. Because of the mass stupidity in this country, it's always my hope in elections that the overwhelmingly stupid majority will split the vote in every free election as close to 50-50 as possible with the overwhelmingly smart minority actually determining the vote.

But I'm sure that's far too much to ask for because even our smart are, for the most part, relatively stupid. None more so than myself.


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