Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Road Rage stuff

I love this. $20. Whenever I am driving, I find myself wishing for THIS EXACT THING. A road rage flipbook that conveys every possible phrase you could consider screaming at the dumbfuck in front of, next to, or behind you. In fact, they even have reversible type on opposing pages in case you need them to be able to read it through their rear view mirror.

My only complaint is that there's nothing about Asian women drivers in this. They suck. It's unbelievable. I spent a full year living downtown in the apartment complex above Uwajimaya, the premier Asian grocery store in Seattle. That year only helped reinforce the already-strong opinion I held on this subject going into that year.

I don't know what it is about Asians, the ladies just can't drive for shit. And pretty much everyone I know, no matter how liberal (e.g. anti-stereotype) they are, agree that this is one stereotype that fits the bill dead-on. And now I'm officially on the record with this vent in type.


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