Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Chinese are assfucks

Now that I've officially posted that on the internet, wonder how long it takes till I'm on the Red State's watch list. Yes, I love to believe that I'm far more important than I really am. But who the hell doesn't?

This particular article reminds me of the occasion on which our in-house China expert said to a group of us upon returning from a recent China visit, "India treats its people like crap." This was not just on an absolute level but even RELATIVE to said assfuck Chinese government mentioned in this discussion. Same kid who had to deal with a double cheeseburger upside the head in Vegas recently. The guy's got a tremendous intellect, but has these bizarre fits of mental retardation with staggering frequency.

Four more days of work. I think I can make it to the finish line.


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