Monday, April 04, 2005

I hafta say it was a good day

I di-ent e'en hafta use my AK!

But seriously, folks, my first non-hungover day of unemployment was bitchin, mainly because two years ago when I bought my 256MB Iriver mp3 player for $200, I paid $25 for the product replacement plan, which means Best Buy would have to accept it in exchange for a similar product if it ever wore down. I wore that mp3 player around my neck to do cardio, and it tends to take a bit of a beating bouncing up and down against my boobies. So by this point, the headphone jack is messed up and can't put sound out properly. I traipsed on down to the local Best Buy, handed it in, and promptly picked up the new 6GB iPod mini that has the 18-hr battery life - that's like two whole weeks of workouts! - and paid the extra $50 difference. So to recap: that's $25 spent two years ago for the right to spend $50 today for a $250 device. Hah! I rule.

Though now I have a 4GB and a 6GB mini. The latter has the better battery life (18 vs 8 hrs), and few things piss me off more at the gym than when my mp3 player runs out of battery life. The old tiny one used a AA, so I kept a stash of them in there. Now, I'll just need to make sure one of them is charged at all times, and just keep the other one in my car or something.

Also bought a scanner today, which means you friendster types will soon be able to see the pics of me with various members of the New Orleans Saints a couple years ago at the 2001 Willie Roaf/La Tech Charity Golf tournament.

Oh, and my interview in Chicago is officially on the 13th.


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