Thursday, April 28, 2005

Houston bans smelly people from libraries

So...I've got a complaint to lodge against FOBs who don't wear deodorant. Seriously, I sat next to a dude from somewhere in Africa the other day at a Starbucks down in L.A., but I couldn't move because I was talking to my professor for an hour and I'm telling you, Kip, it KILLED.

And no, I don't have anything against Africans. I have the same complaint with my fellow Indians who come over and don't hit up the Old Spice. Shyit. U.S. Customs really needs to add some sort of hygiene training when they let people into the country, for the good of the American people. Not that I'm biased against immigrants - I wouldn't be here if my parents hadn't immigrated - but the violations come a helluva lot more from them than it does anyone else. At least the homeless have an excuse.


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